pens for tradeshow

15 July, 2024

A Guide to Selecting the Best Promotional Pens for Trade Shows

Today is a topic that's as essential to trade shows as a snag is to a barbie: selecting the best promotional pens. Now, before you think, "Crikey, not pens again," hear me out. These little beauties can be the silent heroes of your brand, scribbling their way into the hearts (and pockets) of potential clients. So, how do you pick a winner in the vast sea of promotional pens?

1. Understand Your Audience: Who's Your Mob?
Alrighty, let's get a bit more nitty-gritty about knowing your audience, shall we? It's like figuring out whether to serve prawns or snags at a party – you've gotta know your guests!

The Corporate Eagles
If your audience is packed with corporate high-flyers, think of the kind of pen that screams, 'I'm as sharp as my suit'. These folks usually appreciate something that's more classic than a Vegemite sandwich. We're talking upscale custom metal ballpoint pens that feel as expensive as a Sydney harbourside apartment. Bonus points if it comes in a fancy box – it's like serving a fine wine; presentation is key!

The Creative Kangaroos
Now, if your crowd is more of the creative type, you’ve got room to play. These artistic souls appreciate a pen that's as colourful as a parrot in the Daintree Rainforest. Why not go for something with a funky pattern or a design that's as unique as a platypus? Think bright, bold, and beautiful – a pen that could double as a piece of modern art. It should inspire them to doodle and dream, maybe even as they're sitting in a dull meeting, dreaming of their next masterpiece.

The Tech-Savvy Wombats
Don't forget the tech-savvy bunch. For these digital natives, a stylus pen could be the go. They're as practical as a Swiss Army Knife, perfect for jotting down notes or navigating their latest gadget. It's like giving them a tool for survival in the digital bushland.

The Eco-Warriors
And hey, let's not overlook the eco-warriors. For this crowd, one made from recycled materials or sustainable bamboo can hit the spot. It's like saying, "We love the planet as much as you do!" These pens are statements of environmental love and care.

The Everyday Aussies
Lastly, there's the everyday Aussie – the backbone of any trade show. These folks appreciate a good, reliable pen that won't let them down. It doesn't have to be flashier than a fireworks display on New Year's Eve; it just needs to do the job well. A comfortable grip, smooth writing, maybe a built-in bottle opener for those arvo beers – now that's a pen that says, "I'm here for a good time and a long time."

2. Quality Matters, Big Time: Don't Skimp on the Scribbler

Quality Matters

Let's face it, a dodgy pen is as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. Investing in quality pens is like choosing a good pair of thongs – they need to last longer than just a walk to the corner shop.

Avoid the 'Good for a Week' Wonders
You know those ones that work brilliantly... for exactly three days? They're like a chocolate teapot – not much use to anyone. One that conks out mid-sentence is as frustrating as a fly buzzing around your face on a hot day. You want them to be as dependable.

The Smooth Operator
A high-quality one should glide across the paper smoother than a surfer at Bondi. It’s about the feel, the flow, and the finesse. When someone uses it, it should feel as right as a cold beer on a scorching day. This smoothness not only reflects on the pen but on your brand as well. It says, "We're as smooth and reliable as a Qantas landing."

Longevity is Key
A good one should have more staying power than an Aussie cricket team in a five-day test match. It should last not just through one meeting, but through months of brainstorming sessions, client meetings, and those endless 'to-do' lists. You want people to reach for your pen time and time again, not chuck it in the bin.

The Write Look
Quality isn't just about how the pen writes; it's also about how it looks and feels in your hand. It should have a bit of weight to it, and a design that doesn’t just scream 'I was made in five seconds'. A well-designed one can make your clients feel like they're signing a million-dollar deal even if they're just doodling during a phone call.

3. Brand Visibility: Make It Pop Like a Firework on New Year's Eve

Fireworks on New Year's Eve Image Credit:

When it comes to promotional pens, your brand needs to shout louder than a footy fan in the final minutes of the Grand Final. It's all about making your logo as eye-catching as possible.

Go Big or Go Home
First up, choose ones with enough real estate for your brand. You want a canvas that's as generous as a family-sized pavlova, giving you ample space to flaunt your logo. A cramped logo is like trying to fit a kangaroo into a Mini Cooper – it just won't work.

Colour It Bright
Next, let's talk colour. The colour scheme should make your logo pop like fireworks over Sydney Harbour on New Year’s Eve. Go for bold, contrasting colours that grab attention faster than a croc snaps its jaws. If your logo is a cool blue, why not set it against a fiery orange background? It's about creating a visual sizzle.

Be Bold, Be Proud
This isn't the time for subtlety; it's your chance to be as bold as an Aussie Rules player going for the winning goal. Your pen is a mini-billboard, a travelling ambassador for your brand. It should scream your message with the same gusto as a market seller spruiking fresh mangoes on a hot day.

Visibility at Every Angle
Consider how your logo looks from different angles. It shouldn't be a shy wallflower; it should be as noticeable. Whether it's lying on a desk or being twirled in someone's fingers, your logo should catch eyes from every direction.

Remember the Feel Factor
And let's not forget the feel of it. Your logo might look great, but if the pen feels as cheap as a tacky souvenir, it won't leave a good impression. The pen should feel as comfortable and reliable in the hand as a pair of well-worn Ugg boots.

4. Functionality is King: More Than Just a Pen

Functionality is King

Having a gimmick up your sleeve can turn something good into something great. You want a pen that's not just a pen; it's a Swiss Army Knife of writing instruments.

Multi-functional Marvels
Imagine one that's not just for writing but can moonlight as a stylus for your tablet or phone. It’s like having a boomerang that comes back with a pie in hand – unexpectedly useful and pleasantly surprising. In today’s digital age, a stylus pen is as handy as a bottle opener at a bush doof.

Light It Up
Then there are ones with built-in lights. Have you ever tried to find your keys in the dark or needed a quick light to check the barbie at night? A pen with a light is like a trusty torch in your pocket, only it can sign cheques too. It’s the kind of practicality that gets people talking and remembering your brand every time they’re in a pinch.

A Tool for Every Task
How about a pen that includes a ruler, a level, or even a screwdriver? It's the kind of thing that makes DIY enthusiasts happier than a kookaburra at a picnic. It's about giving your audience something they didn't even know they needed but soon won't be able to do without.

The Comfort Factor
Functionality isn't just about gizmos and gadgets; it's also about comfort. One with a good grip is like a good pair of hiking boots – it lets you go the distance without wearing you out. If it is as comfortable as a favourite armchair, it's going to be the first thing people reach for.

The Wow Factor
Lastly, you want your pen to have the 'wow' factor. It should be something that makes people say, "Crikey, look at this!" The more unique and functional it is, the more it will be talked about around the water cooler, spreading the word about your brand faster than gossip at a family reunion.

5. Eco-Friendly Options: Be a Green Machine with Your Promotional Pens

Eco Friendly Pens

Going green with your pens isn't just nice, it's essential – like slapping on sunscreen at a summer cricket match. Eco-friendly pens not only help the planet, they also show that your brand is as thoughtful and forward-thinking as a scientist in a renewable energy lab.

Sustainable Materials: The Heart of Eco-Friendly Pens
Think ones made from recycled water bottles, bamboo, or biodegradable materials. They're like the environmental equivalent of a reusable shopping bag – practical, sustainable, and a statement that you care about the big blue backyard we all share. Each one is a small step towards a cleaner, greener future, much like choosing a bike over a car for your morning commute.

The Message It Sends
When you hand them out, it's more than just a writing tool; it's a message. It tells your clients and prospects that your brand is as responsible as a lifeguard on patrol. It's about showing that you're not just in it for the quick buck, but you’re thinking about the long-term health of our planet, like a gardener planting trees for future generations.

Branding with a Conscience
Having your brand associated with eco-friendly products can give it a boost, much like a koala climbing to the top of a eucalyptus tree. It's about aligning with the values of sustainability and responsibility, appealing to the growing number of consumers who prefer to support environmentally conscious businesses.

A Conversation Starter
They are also great conversation starters. They’re unique, and when someone picks up your pen and realizes it's made from recycled materials or is biodegradable, it sparks a conversation. It's an opportunity to talk about your brand's commitment to the environment.

A Range of Options
The range is as diverse as the Great Barrier Reef. From minimalist designs to ones bursting with colour and life, there's something for every taste and brand image. And just because they're eco-friendly doesn't mean they have to be dull – they can be as vibrant and dynamic as any other.

The Feel-Good Factor
Lastly, using and giving them away just feels good. It's like the feeling you get when you recycle, compost, or save water – a small but significant contribution to a larger cause. It’s about doing your part, one pen at a time.

7. Budget Wisely: Spend Smarter, Not Harder

Budget Wisely - Image Credit: BrianAJackson

When it comes to picking them, managing your budget is key. It's like planning a BBQ – you want enough snags to go around without having to sell your surfboard to foot the bill. Let's talk about finding the sweet spot where cost meets quality without leaving your wallet drier than the Outback.

Penny Pinching with Panache
First off, remember that spending a small fortune on them means they probably look nice, but is it really necessary? There are plenty of options out there that are as cost-effective but still leave a lasting impression.

Quality and Cost: The Balancing Act
It's all about balance. You don't want pens that fall apart faster than a pavlova in the rain, but you also don't need ones as pricey as front-row tickets to the Ashes. Look for ones that strike a happy medium – good quality but without the price tag that makes your accountant weep.

The Bulk Buy Bonanza
Consider buying in bulk. Much like stocking up on sausages for a big cookout, buying a larger quantity of pens can often save you a fair few dollars. Plus, it means you're set for a while – no last-minute scrambles before the next trade show or event.

Customisation Costs
Keep in mind the more bells and whistles you add, the higher the cost. It's like adding all the extras to your burger; it might taste fantastic, but is it worth the extra dough? Sometimes, a simple, well-made one can be just as effective as one with all the fancy add-ons.

Know Your Limits
Set a budget and stick to it. It's like going to the pub with a limit on how many rounds you're buying. Know what you can afford to spend, and make choices that fit within that framework. There's a wide range of options out there, so there’s no need to stretch beyond your means.

Shop Around
Don't just go with the first supplier you find. Shop around, compare prices, check out reviews, and don't be afraid to negotiate. Sometimes, suppliers can offer a better deal than what's advertised – you just have to ask.

8. Think Outside the Pen Box: Unleash Your Inner Creative Dingo

Think Outside The Box

Why not stray off the beaten path a bit and explore how being a bit adventurous with your pen choice can set you apart from the mob.

The Mini Boomerang... Maybe Not, But Close!
Sure, a pen that doubles as a mini boomerang might be a bit over the top (imagine the health and safety fun!), but there's a whole world of unique ideas out there. It's about finding that 'wow' factor, something that makes people do a double-take.

Beyond the Ordinary
Think of ones that aren’t just pens. Maybe one that includes a quirky puzzle or one that can fold into different shapes. It's like having a conversation piece. The goal is to create a memorable experience, something that will stick in people’s minds longer than a catchy tune on the radio.

The Element of Surprise
Surprise is a powerful tool. One with a hidden feature, like a secret compartment or a message that appears under certain conditions. It’s these little surprises that can turn a standard one into a talking point.

Interactive Features
Interactive ones can be a hit too. Think of one that changes colour with heat or one with moveable parts. It's about adding an element of play, a bit of fun, like a game of beach cricket on a sunny afternoon.

Custom Creations
Why not get them custom-made to reflect something unique about your brand or event? It could be as simple as one shaped like one of your products, or as elaborate as one that plays a jingle. It's about creating something distinctive.

Multi-Functional Marvels
And let’s not forget the multi-functional ones -  a USB drive, a mini toolkit, or even a plant grower with a seed capsule – these are the kinds of things that make people say, "How cool is that!"

Wrapping Up
Choosing the perfect one for your trade show shouldn't be as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. Keep it high quality, make sure your brand shines, consider the environment, and most importantly, pick something that'll have your clients saying, "Strewth, that's a good pen!"

So there you go, folks! Armed with these tips, you're all set to conquer the world of promotional pens. Best of luck, and may your trade show be as successful as a sausage sizzle on a sunny arvo! 

The Pens Only Team