knight holding a pen

22 July, 2024

Personalised Pen Designs: How to Make Your Brand Stand Out

Are you ready to dive into the world of personalised pens? Yes, we're talking about those mighty swords of the modern business world – pens! They're not just for avoiding eye contact in meetings anymore; they’re powerful branding tools that can make your brand shine brighter than a neon sign at a midnight sale. Let's embark on an ink journey.

Why Personalised Pens? Because They're Mightier Than... Well, You Know
Let's break down the "WHY" a bit more, shall we? In a digital world where a swipe or a click is the norm, personalised pens stand out like a kangaroo in a room full of wallabies. They’re tangible, they’re real, and they bring a touch of humanity back into our touch-screen-dominated lives. Why is that so - Keep reading.

Tactile Triumphs: There's something about the physical act of writing that digital can't replicate. It's like the difference between getting an e-card and a handwritten letter. One makes you go, "Aww, that's nice," and the other makes you feel like you've been hugged by words.

Brand Recall On Point: Every time someone uses your pen (which, if it's a good one, could be daily), they see your brand. It's like a tiny billboard in their hand. You can't get that kind of consistent exposure with a Facebook ad.

Longevity: Let's face it, a well-made one can last years. That’s years of brand exposure. In the digital realm, your ad might as well have the lifespan of a mayfly.

Universal Appeal: They are like the Tim Tams of the promotional world – everyone loves them. They cross barriers of age, profession, and even tech-savviness. From the CEO to the intern, everyone needs one.

Budget-Friendly Branding: You don’t need the budget of a Sydney Opera House production to get into the personalised pen game. They offer a bang for your buck that would make even the thriftiest accountant smile.

Subtle, Yet Powerful: There's an understated elegance to them. They're not as in-your-face as a giant billboard but can be just as effective, if not more so. It's like being a secret agent of branding – subtle, yet impactful.

Collectability and Connection: Believe it or not, people collect them. And even if they don’t, a nice one can create an emotional connection. It’s like that favourite mug of yours – it just feels right.

Practicality Meets Creativity: Everyone uses them, but not every pen makes a statement. It's a creative expression of your brand. It's like wearing a snazzy tie to a business meeting – it gets noticed.

The Environmental Edge: In an era where sustainability is key, opting for eco-friendly options can speak volumes about your brand’s values. It’s like saying, “We care about the planet, and our pens prove it.”

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Unlike a single-use promotional item, a pen is a gift that keeps on giving, both to the recipient and to your brand. Every time it’s used, it’s a reminder of your company’s generosity and practicality.

Designing Your Pen: More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys

Barrel Of Monkeys

Now, the fun part – design. You don't want one that screams "I was made in a rush by someone who hates fun," do you? No! You want aone that says, "I'm so awesome; I might just write this essay for you." Here are some tips:

Colour Me Impressed
When it comes to choosing colours, think of it like picking the perfect outfit for a first date – you want to make an impression, but you also want to be true to yourself. The colours aren't just colours; they're a mood, a vibe, a silent shout-out to your brand's personality.

Match Your Brand's Mood: If your brand were a person at a party, what would they be wearing? A sleek black suit? A bright and bubbly pink dress? Translate that into your design.

Contrast is Key: Like a perfectly paired wine with a meal, contrasting colours can make your pen pop. Think about how your logo’s colours will stand out against the pen's body.

The Psychology of Colour: Remember, colours speak louder than words. Blue for trust, red for excitement, green for growth – choose a colour that tells your brand's story without saying a word.

Your logo on one should feel as natural as a koala in a gum tree. It’s your brand's stamp, its seal of approval. But size and placement? That’s where the art comes in.

Size Matters: Too big, and it's like wearing sunglasses at night – trying too hard. Too small, and it’s like whispering in a hurricane – lost in the noise. Find that sweet spot.

Location, Location, Location: Do you slap it on the side, wrap it around the barrel, or sneak it onto the clip? Think of your logo’s placement like real estate – it’s all about location. Find a spot where it’ll catch eyes without playing hide and seek.

Quirky Quotes or Messages
Why should it be as boring as a blank piece of paper? It’s time to spice things up with some personality. A quirky quote or a cheeky message on it can be the difference between a pen that's just used and a pen that's loved.

Be Bold, Be Cheeky: Whether it’s a pun that makes you groan or a motivational quote that makes you want to climb a mountain, choose a message that makes a statement.

Keep it Brand Relevant: Make sure your message aligns with your brand. If you’re all about fun and games, a solemn quote might not hit the mark.

Make Them Smile: Ultimately, the goal is to bring a smile to the face of the person using it. Think of something that's light, breezy, and sure to brighten up their day – like a compliment from a stranger or finding an extra fry in your takeaway bag. Check out the below for some funny ideas

1. "This pen is mightier than my phone's autocorrect."
2. "Official contract signer of things I don't read."
3. "I'm a pen. Please don't chew on my head."
4. "Runs smoother than my last relationship."
5. "For deep thoughts and grocery lists."
6. "This pen has been stolen from [Your Brand Name]."
7. "I'm not just a pen, I'm a magic wand for adults."
8. "Like my ideas, I'm disposable."
9. "I've seen things... I've written them down."
210. "Lost and found champion of the office."

Material World: It's Not Just What's on the Outside That Counts
Choosing the material is like picking the perfect pair of shoes for a weekend bash – you need the right balance of style, comfort, and statement. Sure, plastic pens are the ugg boots of the pen world – reliable, familiar, but not always turning heads. Let's look at some more snazzy options:

1. Metal Sophistication: Opting for metal pens is like upgrading from a reliable hatchback to a sleek sports car. They scream sophistication and durability. Plus, they have that satisfying weight that says, "I mean business."

2. Eco-Friendly and Trendy: With the world going green faster than a chameleon on a leaf, recycled materials are all the rage. Using recycled or sustainable materials for your pens isn’t just good for the planet – it’s good for your brand's image. It’s like wearing a designer outfit that’s also ethically sourced – chic and responsible.

Features: It's What's on the Inside That Counts (Sort Of)

Ink Quality
The ink is the heart and soul. A pen with poor ink quality is like a sports car with a lawnmower engine – it looks great but disappoints when it counts. Here’s what to keep in mind:

1. Smooth Operator: The ink should glide across the paper like a surfer on a perfect wave – smooth and effortless.

2. No Smudging, Please: There's nothing worse than ink that smudges. It’s like getting a coffee stain on your white shirt – a small blip that ruins the whole experience.

3. Longevity is Key: You want an ink that lasts, not one that gives up after a week like a poorly planned New Year's resolution.

Never underestimate the power of a good grip. It’s the difference between a comfortable writing experience and hand cramps that feel like you've been arm-wrestling a kangaroo.

1. Ergonomic is the Word: The grip should be comfortable, allowing for those marathon writing sessions without the dreaded hand cramp.

2. No Slip-ups: Just like a good pair of thongs on a wet deck, it should provide stability and control, ensuring your pen doesn’t slip away like a bar of soap in the shower.

In a world where phones are smarter than some humans, why should pens be left behind? Adding extras can give it that 'wow' factor.

1. Stylus Tip: In an era of touchscreens, a stylus tip is like having a magic wand at your fingertips – perfect for swiping through emails or doodling on your tablet.

2. Light it Up: A built-in light can transform it into a mini flashlight, handy for those moments when you're trying to find your keys in the depths of your bag.

3. USB Drive: A USB drive in your pen? That's like having a secret compartment in your watch – super spy stuff. It's practical, futuristic, and sure to impress.

Marketing: Spread the Word Like Vegemite on Toast

Vegemite On Toast - Image Credit:

Alright, you've got a snazzy pen that's more eye-catching than a kangaroo on a trampoline. Now, it's time to unleash these bad boys into the wild and watch your brand go from 'Who's that?' to 'Oh, I know them!

Events & Conferences: Like Free Drinks at a Shindig
Pens at events and conferences are like the unsung heroes of the merch table. They're the quiet achievers – no flash, all substance.

Grab 'Em While You Can: Just like the last sausage roll at a party, good ones get snatched up quickly. Make sure you've got plenty, because they’ll disappear faster than a cool breeze on a hot day.

Walking Advertisements: Every pen taken is like a little billboard that walks out the door and gets to work. It's guerrilla marketing, minus the guerrillas.

Networking Ninjas: They are the ultimate ice-breakers. Nothing says, "Let's do business" like handing over a sleek, witty pen. It's like saying, "I'm professional, but I also know a good joke."

Client Gifts: Like Finding a Fiver in Your Old Jeans
Who doesn't love a good freebie? Giving them to clients is like sprinkling a little bit of Christmas morning throughout the year.

Always Appreciated: It’s a universal truth – everyone loves free stuff, especially when it's useful. It's like finding money in your pocket, but better because it writes.

Personal Touch: Personalise them as client gifts and show you’ve put thought into it. It’s like saying, “I know your name, and I put it on this pen. We’re practically besties now.”

Reminders of You: Every time they use it, it’s a gentle nudge of, “Hey, remember us? We’re awesome!”

In-House Use: Like Wearing Your Own Merch
Using them in-house might feel a bit like being your own biggest fan, but hey, if you won’t cheer for your team, who will?

Team Spirit: It’s like wearing your footy team's colours to a match. It boosts morale and shows unity. Plus, it’s way cooler than a generic one.

Brand Reinforcement: When even the ones in the office reflect your brand, it’s a constant reminder of who you are and what you stand for. It’s like your brand’s own little cheerleader.

Conversation Starters: Imagine a client spots that witty quote on your pen during a meeting. Boom! Instant rapport, and you didn’t even have to tell that story about your cat's yoga habits.

Conclusion: The Pen is Just the Beginning
Remember, it is not just a writing instrument; it's a conversation starter, a tiny billboard, and a token of your brand's personality. So, make it as unique as your business. And remember, in the world of pens, mightier isn’t just about the ink; it’s about the impact.

So, go forth and create ones that might just be mightier than swords, or at least mightier than the average pen.

The Pens Only Team